Our other halfs...Our other halfs are what we look for in our lifetimes, we spend days looking for our other halfs. Some of us find them, others dun.. And when we do, we become whole and spend the rest of our lives together... well, i remember seeing this somewhere cant really remember.. its about how god creates our other halfs..
At first, after god made man, he thought.. hmm.. he will be lonely, lets make him a friend to walk with him through the tests i have set for him. Then God got the idea of a woman but to make a prefect half he needed a bone for the man and he chose the rib. why did he choose the rib ?? asked man. God later said to man.. I didnt choose your foot bones for you to stand on top of her, I didnt choose your skull for her to stand on top of you, I didnt choose from your back so that she will follow your every word, I didnt choose from your hand so that she can be used by you. I chose the rib cause she is meant to be your equal, to stand beside you. she meant to be there, in your arms and close to your heart so she can protect it. she surrounds your weakest part, without her, you will be killed easily. With that, man understood and together they were whole..
reading this again.. i realise it is a little sexist.. but it is really interesting, i really like it.. well i am off, going out to buy denise her birthday gift and my jacket. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAL !!! HAHA.. will be back later to post.. maybe..
well, i am back to post.. i tell you ar.. Denise Hoe is really damm good a friend man.. at first we were suppose to meet at 315 but lets guess wat time she came.. 330 ?? no.. 345 ?? no.. 4 ?? no 415 ?? NO !!! she met me at 430 !!! look at how bored i was..=>
she is really damm good at being late :P but its ok i am used to it.. I mean she has never been on time to meet me before unless she is already there and wants me to go over. went to buy my jacket today.. but when we got there.. saddness.. my jacket size was out of stock.. and they only had XS or XL.. hai~ Anyway, i saw Aishah when i was coming out of starbucks with her. hope she is not going to make anything out from that HAHA.. after walking alot.. we couldnt find where was the PUMA shop in orchard. what lousy shoppers we are right ??

YES.. its been a long time since i was in orchard.. miss my buddies that i go with.. my school peeps wont ask me out to shop. The AA will only go people's house and drink.. my mum maybe she will, jielin totally not, i cannot go out with her.she is a different kind of gal, as she herself said her taste different from mine.. I mean it is really different, i am totally not used to what kind of shops she goes into.. Oh well, in the end, we went to spotlight to buy denise's bottoms and she still hasnt found what she wanted, she doesnt want me to pay that much.. what a nice gal.. my ass, come on time next time please.. but ya.. thanks for coming out i kinda like going out with you.. its fun.. i get to talk crap and dicuss about stuff and see a retarted-always late bimbo AHHA.. anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! SWEET 16~ HAHA enjoy your birthday..
hold me now at 3:23 PM